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Become a Supplier

    Supplier Enquiry Form

    Please select any of the following that apply to the products you will be submitting to Suma: *


    Please let us know more about your ethical and sustainable sourcing practices and tick any keywords that apply to the products you will be submitting to Suma: *

    Supplier Credentials

    Please let us know more about your supplier credentials. *


    Please let us know about any accreditations you hold. *


    We are guided by the principles of reduce, re-use, recycle to promote sustainable living, for example, promoting bulk products, reducing the need for plastic packaging, reducing excessive packaging etc. Do you have a great story about your packaging, please let us know!


    Do you have a great story about your manufacturing, please let us know! (i.e. do you use renewable energy?)


    Do you support any charities, please give details below.

    Other info

    We value suppliers with strong sustainability commitments in place, such as low carbon products, net zero, reducing negative environmental impact, community action, lobbying – please use the space below to outline any further initiatives.

    A little bit more info about your organisation and products...

    * indicates a required field.